In the late 18th century system came to be understood as synonymous with institutionalisation and regulation by way of an established order (Siskin, 2016, 151-2). This perspective on system’s relationship with institutionalisation, order and establishment set an early tone for a prevailing systemic pessimism active in contemporary popular culture that understands the systemic as necessarily… Continue reading Systemic Pessimism
Category: Synthesis
I draw lines to know my way
The images above are from the portrait of Elaine Radigue available via Ubu Web. Here Radigue is describing her scoring process for working with the ARP, mapping out parameter changes. In many ways this is nothing more unusual than scoring of any kind, yet there’s a sense in which systems based approaches to electronic music… Continue reading I draw lines to know my way
DIY 84HP 6U Eurorack case built around a Doepfer A100 DIY power supply kit. Link to the CAD file below for use with a laser cutter. The case CAD file has holes for the bus boards and internal power supply, with holes for the external transformer, ventilation and an additional hole at the rear for… Continue reading CASE
Domestic Systems
In a post on All Around Sound Marie Thompson has discussed the complex interweaving of audio technologies and care in the home. This is a broad theme that I’d like to continue here. Marie’s post is accompanied by an image of a smart speaker in the home. This complex machine housing many electronic components to… Continue reading Domestic Systems
The hand at the controls
A little while back a few images started appearing from the Buchla archives, seemingly promotional images of different modules. There’s a consistency to the images in terms their cold monochrome tone but more insterestingly they way that each module is accompanied by a hand at the controls of the module on display, reaching in from… Continue reading The hand at the controls
Unboxing the modular
I wrote an blog post for Bloomsbury that explores some emerging thoughts on modular systems, modular composition and control, you can read the post here:
Pepper DIY Eurorack Module
After waiting months for some 4k7 resistors (I assumed this was a Brexit delay and passively accepted it), I’ve finally completed the BELA Platform Pepper module. I’m particularly excited about this as it’ll allow me to run SuperCollider patches within a eurorack module, plus it has i2C inputs for things like touch sensors and so… Continue reading Pepper DIY Eurorack Module
Earth Sample Synthesis
Brief documentation of an earth sample based synthesis system performed with at Vibrant Practices symposium at Leeds University. This rough prototype for a larger system overlays approaches taken by Douglas Huebler in the production of the Windham College Pentagon (1968)—wherein earth samples were dug up at the vertices of a pentagon drawn onto a map… Continue reading Earth Sample Synthesis